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Salut à tous ! Je suis une enseignante, traductrice et rédactrice de contenu, et je suis actuellement établie à Vancouver, au Canada. Je suis absolument passionnée par l'enseignement du français aux jeunes élèves de l'Académie Zhuge, ainsi qu'aux apprenants adultes. En parallèle, je m'épanouis en tant que rédactrice de contenu éducatif. J'ai décroché deux Masters, l'un en études françaises et l'autre en traduction, et je suis fière de pouvoir m'exprimer couramment en anglais, en français et en persan. 

My Story

Teaching is more than just a profession to me—it's a family legacy. Growing up in a household where both my parents were educators—my mother, a passionate geography teacher, and my father, a revered school principal who also shared his love for English—I was surrounded by the rhythm of classroom life from the very beginning.

My earliest memories are of accompanying my mother to her classes, feeling a sense of belonging as I watched her guide her students with care and dedication. Sometimes, I'd lend a hand, assisting her in grading papers or preparing materials. These moments ignited within me a deep appreciation for the art of teaching.

But it was in my father's bookstore, surrounded by shelves filled with knowledge and adventure, that I experienced a defining moment. As I flipped through the pages of an English Picture dictionary, each image sparking my imagination, I felt a profound connection to the power of language.

From that day forward, I knew that teaching was my destiny. Stepping into my mother's classroom for the first time, I felt a sense of purpose wash over me. Since then, I've dedicated myself wholeheartedly to the noble profession of education.

Over the years, my students have become my greatest teachers. Through their laughter, curiosity, and boundless energy, they've shown me the true joy of learning. With each lesson, I've discovered new depths of compassion, understanding, and resilience.

As I continue on this journey, I'm reminded that education is not just about imparting knowledge—it's about nurturing hearts and minds, fostering growth, and instilling a lifelong love for learning. And for that, I am eternally grateful.

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Book Shelf

FLE Books

The methods I have taught

Elevate your language learning journey with resources honed over 20 years of dedicated teaching experience and a mastery of diverse online platforms. As an experienced French second language instructor, I offer a treasure of proven methodologies meticulously tailored to individuals aged 5 to 100!


*My teaching portfolio encompasses an array of renowned materials, such as 'Par Ici A1-B2' by MD, a transformative program that guides students from novice to advanced proficiency.

*I leverage the prestigious 'Delf series,' including Delf Prim, Delf Junior, and Delf Scolaire A1-B2 by Cle International, to prepare students for official French language certifications.

*I engage with the 'Loustics 1,2,3' or 'ZigZag1,2,3' curriculum for our young and enthusiastic learners.

*Furthermore, I utilize 'Cosmopolite A1-B2' by Hachette, which is renowned for its comprehensive approach to language acquisition.

*To empower students aiming for academic excellence in French, I employ 'AP French' by Barron's, an advanced course that equips them with the skills required for high-level French examinations.

My teaching approach is a bespoke journey tailored to the unique learning needs of each student, ensuring a robust and holistic mastery of the French language. Join me on this captivating linguistic adventure, where your language goals become our shared success story!


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

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